Track Your shipment


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Track For Mumbai (Masjid) Booking

Customer Care: +91 9619 33 77 88   |   11am to 7pm - Monday to Saturday   |   Career   |   Franchise

First Name :*

Last Name :*

Email :*

Phone :*

Address :

City :*

Country :*

State :*

Pincode :*

Select Available
Capital :*

Select Startup Timeframe :*

Startup Location :*

I/We have carefully read and agree to the terms and conditions

Business Overview

Start a profitable courier business by joining hands with Quick Courier and Logistics !

Quick CL was founded in 1985, with a vision to provide the best logistical support to SME businesses. We have not only completed 30 years in the business, but also succeeded in keeping our varied customers content by delivering on our promise of reliable service.

As a company with a spectacular degree of pedigree and know-how, we believe we have grown up enough to want to grow big. Thus, beginning 2015, Quick CL shall be expanding steadily. We shall serve our new clients with the same attention to detail, timeliness, and care that brought us here, doing it all just a little faster.

We also have an most Experience Customer service team which helps in solving the queries of the clients regarding Billing, Entry, Delivery  and Tracking details of the all shipment.

Advantages of Brand Franchise

  1. Field Assistance
  2. Low cost and high profit business concept
  3. 24*7 Brand support
  4. Staff training and guidance assistance
  5. Established brand name

 Grab this golden opportunity .

Team - Quick Couriers & Logistics Team

Franchise Investment Requirements:
Expected Investment

Single Unit :

1.5 Lacs

Franchise Fee :


Equipments :

Barcode reader / weighing machine / Scanner / 24 Hrs. Internet 

Furniture And Fixtures:

Inclusive in infrastructure 

Advertising / Marketing :

At Franchisee End 

Expected Pay Back Period:

6 Months - 10 Months

The Expected Return 
On Investment To The Franchisee:

Disclosed in B2B Meeting 

Any Other Investment Needed:


Looking Expansion In Areas:

Pan India

Franchise Property Details:

Required Property For This Franchise Opportunity:


Required  Floor Area:

200-250Sq Feet

Preferred  Location  For Unit  Franchise:

Easy Approachable / High Street/ Commercial Mall 

Office  Staff Required:


Computer  / System :


Internet  Connection :

Yes it compulsory

Franchisee Training Details:

Field  Assistance Available  For  Franchisees:


Franchise  Traning programme:

Yes - on SITE

Detailed  Operating Manuals  For Franchisees:


Need of IT System:

Not Requried 

Assistance  From Head Office To Franchisee:


Franchise Website Details:


Website Url

Franchisee Other Details:

Have  standard Franchise  Agreement:


Franchise  Term:

5 Years